January, 2025

President Elect's Corner
Merle Riepe, Class 30
The Spirit of Community Awards Luncheon is over, but there are still many opportunities to reconnect and reengage with Scottsdale Leadership. Whether it has been three weeks or three years, we’re hoping to see you again soon!
Sign up to walk in the historic Parada del Sol Parade!
Know an interested candidate for Class 40? Bring them to one of the Applicant Receptions!
The links are below!

Class 39 Update
I have the honor of being involved in the PLIF project reveals, and these thematic projects have sparked profound inspiration and engagement from our teams and their stakeholders, driving meaningful conversations and solutions. This year our project focus is supporting youth and we’re very excited to watch the projects develop. Please lookout for updates via our newsletters and social media. We hope you will consider joining us in the Spring to learn about the outcomes each team achieved and celebrate the significant impact Scottsdale Leadership provides to our community.
Wanted: Your Leadership!
As we begin 2025, Board Development is a priority and key responsibility for the President-Elect. The first step of this preparation is our call for applications to join the 2025/2026 Board of Directors. This is your chance to shape the future of Scottsdale Leadership, bring fresh perspectives, and make a tangible difference in our community. Whether you’re interested in serving on the Board, joining a committee, or exploring other ways to contribute, I’d love to hear from you!
You can apply directly through this link, or feel free to contact me personally at 480-563-2615 or at merle@solvetalent.com to discuss these opportunities. Let’s work together to shape the future of Scottsdale Leadership and continue to expand our impact!

Blast From the Past
Laurie LaPat-Polasko, Class 32
Written by: Craig Miller, Class 7 and Dr. Frances Mills-Yerger, Class 16

The New Year is a great time for fresh starts, and for us it is a chance to highlight a Scottsdale Leadership alumna who could inspire us in the new year. Laurie LaPat-Polasko of Class 32 is just that person. She literally came back from near death to be given a second chance at helping our world be a better place in which to live. Laurie has always had a passion for studying the environment and how we interact with it. She is comfortable studying both microbes, which are some of the smallest entities on our planet, and whales, which are among the largest living creatures on earth. Her story is one of resilience and adventure that plays out like an episode of The Undersea World of Jacque Cousteau TV show (and oh yeah, she has been part of that also). We know you will enjoy getting to know her and be inspired by Laurie just as much as we were.

Outgoing Mayor,
David Ortega, Class 3

Maryanne McAllen, Class 12
Scottsdale City Council
Barry Graham, Class 28
Scottsdale City Council, Second Term

Historic Preservation Commission
Ryan Hilbun, Class 39
Human Relations Commission
Ashley Adams, Class 37
Human Services Advisory Commission
Jeff Jameson, Class 24
Mary Jung, Class 37 - Vice Chair
Roger Lurie, Class 39 - Chair
Kira Peters, Class 29 - Staff Representative
Library Board
Sam Campana, Scottsdale Leadership Co-Founder
Michael Beck, Class 28 - Staff Representative
McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission
Ryan Rybarcyk, Class 36
Neighborhood Advisory Commission
Larry Hewitt, Class 36 - Chair
Bridget Schwartz-Manock, Class 24 - Vice Chair
Parks and Recreation Commission
Kristin Parrish, Class 37 - Chair
Teresa Quale, Class 20 - Vice Chair
Mike Vreeland, Class 37
Nick Molinari, Class 26 - Staff Representative
Planning Commission
Renee Higgs, Class 31 - Chair
Bill Scarbrough, Class 31
Tourism Development Commission
Jeanne Alspaugh, Class 21 - Chair
Anna Mineer, Class 29 - Vice Chair
David Sobek, Class 35
Veterans Advisory Commission
Justin Layman, Class 37 - Vice Chair
Donna Tew, Class 38
Protect and Preserve Scottsdale Task Force
Cynthia Wenstrom, Class 25 - Chair
Raoul Zubia, Class 22, - Vice Chair
Carla, Class 7
Municipal Property Corporation Board of Directors
Dennis Robbins, Class 7 - President
Scottsdale Housing Agency Governing Board
Jeff Jameson, Class 24
Mary Jung, Class 37 - Vice Chair
Roger Lurie, Class 39 - Chair
Scottsdale Preserve Aughority Board of Directors
Dennis Robbins, Class 7, President
Saturday, February 1st

8:45 Meet for the Parade Walk
9:30 Walk the Parade alongside the float
Immediately Following the Parade
Join us for the After Party
Social Tap Scottsdale
4312 N. Brown Ave.
$15 Per Person
Food & Cash Bar

February 26, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Scottsdale
March 26, 7:45 -9:00 am
Scottsdale Community College
April 30, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Scottsdale
Class 40 Applicant Receptions are Coming Up!
Do You Know Someone Who Might Like to Apply?

Mark Your Calendar

How You Can Help Our PLIF Teams ...
Each month we will post ways in which you can help support the PLIF teams

How You Can Help:
Team Miracle League of Arizona

Class Day Journals
The Miracle League of Arizona provides kids with disabilities the opportunity to play baseball. We're working to completely revamp their website, and renovate their press box.
To do these projects we are fundraising through a fun Super Bowl Squares Opportunity. We have two grids currently. Each square is $20. Payouts for each grid will be $100 per quarter for the first three quarters and $200 for the final score. If you, or anyone you know wants to get involved please use/share the links below. You can pick your square(s) without paying. Once you pick your square(s) you can Zelle Mike Beck at 480-824-8662 .
Education Day

Diversity Day